Our Story

Ashley Dearinger
I Would Rather Be Reading founders Ashley Dearinger and Allison Ogle, were both raised in Louisville, KY and received bachelors and masters degrees in the field of education. They went on to earn certifications in literacy intervention, special education, teacher leadership, and Trauma Informed Care. Ashley began her teaching career at Jacob Elementary in 2010, followed shortly after by Allison in 2013, which is where their journey began.
Through their shared experiences with teaching at schools in south and west Louisville and understanding how trauma impacts the brain, both recognized that a trauma responsive literacy approach to working with students and families is absolutely necessary.
Over the years both have worked with multiple families who felt left behind in the educational system due to systematic inequities, such as a lack of knowledge concerning child advocacy in the school setting, teacher skill level, and generational distrust based on their unique experiences in the school setting.
Striving to do better as educators and advocates, Ashley and Allison launched their first summer program, Camp Good Books in 2018. At this summer camp, students and guardians both began the healing process. Nine students and three teachers came together every day to practice social emotional learning skills and receive individualized reading intervention. Through this approach, all nine students made 6-12 months of literacy growth in a six week time frame, ultimately changing the course of their educational experience moving forward.
The student success at this camp lit a fire in the souls of Ashley and Allison, as well as their students. I Would Rather Be Reading has since trained 70 Trauma Informed Reading Mentors (TIRM) and developed partnerships with Louisville Parks and Recreation, Evolve 502, Metro United Way, and JCPS.
I Would Rather Be Reading currently provides small group reading tutoring, social emotional learning activities, and enrichment opportunites to children at seven community centers and three schools across Louisville.
Keep up to date with our organization by checking back regularly to see what new programming we are offering, upcoming events, and opportunities to get involved!