
What is Educate and Elevate?
To give our new donors some background, when IWRBR first opened in 2018 we hosted a six week summer camp for nine students. Over the years we have gradually gained support from the community, and increased the services we offer to families. In only six years, we now have published the Mindful Literacy Curriculum, trained more than 100 reading tutors, hosted numerous community events, and have provided summer and after school programs to children all across the city.
Educate & Elevate after-school programs provide students across Louisville with equitable access to FREE, high-quality out of school time programming. Each day at our program sites, we ensure that our kids are equipped with nutritious snacks and dinner, engage students who are struggling with literacy in small group, phonics-based literacy tutoring, and help our students explore what sparks their passion by providing weekly enrichment experiences. In the 2024-2025 year, Educate & Elevate programs will take place YEAR ROUND at these sites:
-Portland Community Center
-South Louisville Community Center
-Atkinson Elementary
-Jacob Elementary
-McFerran Elementary
-Hazelwood Elementary
-Gutermuth Elementary
-Johnsontown Road Elementary

Give For Good Louisville 2024 Recap
We’re thrilled to announce that through the collective effort of our supporters, we raised an incredible $21,714 during Give For Good Louisville 2024! With the help of 34 dedicated Peer-to-Peer fundraisers and 551 generous donations, we had a groovy good time celebrating our community and the impact we're making together.
Throughout the day, we visited our amazing community partners, spreading the message of hope and encouraging everyone to build a brighter future for Louisville’s youth. The funds raised will directly benefit the kids in our Educate and Elevate programs, helping them thrive in literacy and life.
Take a moment to explore the photo gallery from this year's big event, and join us in the countdown to next year's Give For Good Louisville campaign!