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The Vital Role of After-School Programs: Providing a Safe Space

Children thrive when they feel safe. Safe spaces allow them to grow, learn, and simply be kids. However, for many young people, such spaces are not guaranteed at home. I Would Rather Be Reading's after-school program, Educate & Elevate, offers children a sanctuary, helping to address both immediate needs and long-term developmental goals.

Why Safe Spaces Matter

For children living in challenging environments, home may not always be a refuge. Some children face hunger, neglect, or even the responsibility of caring for younger siblings or taking on adult roles while their parents work multiple jobs. This makes the existence of IWRBR's quality after-school programs even more crucial. Our Educate & Elevate programs provide a space where children can be children, free from the burdens they might face at home.

A 2020 survey by the Afterschool Alliance found that 24.6 million children in the U.S. would participate in out-of-school-time programs if they had access to them. Sadly, these programs are often out of reach, especially for children from low-income families. For these families, access to affordable, high-quality after-school programs is not just about having a place for their kids to go—it’s about creating a supportive environment that fosters academic, social, and emotional development.

Safe Spaces Lead to Positive Development

Creating and sustaining safe, supportive environments—those that are affirming, welcoming, and allow for the development of genuine relationships—are key to helping young people thrive. IWRBR programs offer children a break from daily stressors, allowing them to explore their interests, solve problems, and interact with peers and mentors in a positive, structured setting.

Research shows that when young people feel safe, they are better able to develop critical life skills, such as problem-solving, self-regulation, and empathy. Safe spaces offer a reprieve from the responsibilities that might weigh on children at home, giving them time to simply explore who they are.

Addressing the Disparities in Access

While after-school programs can be life-changing, the reality is that access to these opportunities is limited, especially for children from marginalized communities. Data from a 2014 Child Trends survey revealed that 72.7 percent of children from higher-income households participate in out-of-school activities, compared to just 43.9 percent of children from low-income families. This disparity highlights the importance of IWRBR creating systems to make after-school programs more accessible and affordable for all children.

After-School Programs Are More Than Just a Place to Go

For many children, after-school programs are more than just a place to pass the time. They are spaces where children can explore new interests, develop skills, and build relationships with supportive adults. For marginalized youth, these programs offer opportunities to engage in meaningful activities that reflect their growing career interests, such as STEM, the arts, and music. These programs also create a consistent culture that extends beyond the classroom.

Every child deserves a safe space to grow, learn, and thrive. After-school programs are a crucial component in providing these opportunities, especially for children who may not have access to them at home. By investing in IWRBR, which makes after-school programs accessible to all, particularly in marginalized communities, we can ensure that every child has the chance to reach their full potential—academically, socially, and emotionally.

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